Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Good Nights Rest...

Here's the deal:
I have been messing up my sleep schedule. I realize that I only have myself to blame. But let's be honest, I am not in the mood to blame myself. So the delusional truth...the universe is conspiring against me.
Last week I has a ton of academic, church, and social obligations. By the end of each day the homework fairies had failed to diminish the stack any decent amount. Therefore, I had no choice but stay up and do it myself. My teachers would be so proud...right.
Multiple times I was in bed at a very undisciplined time. Way past my bed-time. But I had no choice!!
One night I didn't sleep at all.
I know, I know. I'm slapping the back of my hand right now.
No sleep=A grumpy me. Oops.
But no worries-I slept in way past dawn on Saturday. I feel it was completely justifiable. Here comes the crazy part.
My roommates are insane. Period.
But about every couple days I think their little routine is a little genius. So thus, I was hoodwinked.
Last week during my insane life and lack of sleep I was in one of those moods. So I joined in on the insanity, woke up at 6:30 am and went running.
I'm not even sure how I feel about running.
After catching up on sleep, I was bracing myself for the upcoming week of multiple test, assignments and friends. And gosh darn it, I promised-in my moment of weakness-to run EVERY morning this week.
Goodbye dear-and-precious sleep.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Yes, I have jumped on that bandwagon.
And I will defend it all day if I must. But instead why don't you just go check out all my pins. Then I think everyone will understand.
Comment leaving your email and I will send you an invite to become part of the phenomenon. Cause I'm cool like that.


I love scrubs.
I always get kind of envious when I see someone wearing them. I had the opportunity to wear some for a mentorship and I fully enjoyed every moment of it.
I had an ah-ha moment last week. (Thank you Freshman History teacher for making me constantly use that terminology instead of something much more sophisticated.)
I love the heart of all the occupations that involve scrubs. Nurse's main job is to take care of people. Doctor's job is to heal people. Dental jobs help do something for everyone that we obviously can't do well enough on our own. :)
Ready for the epiphany? All of those jobs mean helping serve others. I realize other jobs can do the same, for example a teacher. But they don't wear scrubs so they are not included just yet.
Many roadblocks, very indestructible roadblocks, have been placed in between me and these scrubs. After being humbled, I discovered my dream job.
Service. Did you know you could major in that?! Okay, not service exactly but pretty dang close. The technical terminology: Public Health with an emphasis on Health Promotion and a minor in Non-Profit Organizations. So amazing!!
I am so excited.

Mexican Food...

Last night I went to a Spanish Ward social. My new ward tutors the kids in math and other not as exciting school subjects and the parents in English. As a result they invited my ward to come to their activity and we ate food and socialized with them. The food was amazing! I love authentic Mexican food. Not that taco bell crap. However, don't ask them what the meat is...they use anything and everything. Just to give you an idea: cow feet, stomach, intestines, brain, eyes; you get the idea. But I did learn that my favorite dish included cow tongue. If you don't think about it too hard and can still eat it, it is absolutely delicious.